Research Group on Central Nervous System Tumors
Oncology Area
Clinical-pathological study of 40 patients affected by primary glioblastoma according to established protocol:
– Short-cell cultures and their viability analysis have been performed. Analysis by FISH of EGFR status and freezing of the different passes according to established methodology
– The study of the proteomic analysis of the 40 tumors (frozensamples) by Western Blott according to established methodology has been completed
Experimental study:
– Spheres (neurospheres) have been elaborated from different cell lines and cell cultures of glioblastoma, characterizing and analyzing their behavior
– Analysis of cultures subjected to silencing and overexpression by transfection of miRNAs by the lipofection method
– Analysis of cell cultures in hypoxia situation, analyzing their characteristics and behavior before silencing and overexpression by transfection of selected miRNAs in hypoxia situation and in the different amplification status of the EGFR
– The pilot study of viability and effectiveness of xenotransplantation in nude mice has been completed with the achievement of neoplasias under study

Collaborating Researchers
Lara Navarro Cerveró
Administrative assistant
Glucose 6-P dehydrogenase overexpression improves aging-induced endothelial dysfunction in aorta from mice: role of arginase II. Serna E, Mauricio MD, San Miguel T, Guerra Ojeda S, Verdu D, Valls A, Arc-Chagnaud C, De la Rosa A, Vina J. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2023 Feb 11;24(4):3622. doi: 10.3390/ijms24043622. PMID: 36835034
Mild cognitive impairment is associated with enhanced activation of Th17 lymphocytes in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Fiorillo A, Gallego J, Casanova-Ferrer F, Gimenez-Garzo C, Urios A, Ballester M, Durban L, Rios M, Megias J, San Miguel T, Kosenko E, Escudero-Garcia D, Benlloch S, Felipo V, Montoliu C. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2023 Jun 20;24(12):10407. doi: 10.3390/ijms241210407. PMID: 37373554
Neurofilament light chain protein in plasma and extracellular vesicles is associated with minimal hepatic encephalopathy and responses to rifaximin treatment in cirrhotic patients. Fiorillo A, Gallego J, Casanova-Ferrer F, Urios A, Ballester M, San Miguel T, Megias J, Kosenko E, Tosca J, Rios M, Escudero-Garcia D, Montoliu C. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2023 Sep 29;24(19):14727. doi: 10.3390/ijms241914727. PMID: 37834174
Desmoplastic infantile astrocytoma with atypical phenotype, PTEN homozygous deletion and BRAF V600E mutation. Megias J, San-Miguel T, Sanchez M, Navarro L, Monleon D, Calabuig-Farinas S, Morales J, Munoz-Hidalgo L, Roldan P, Cerda-Nicolas M, Lopez-Gines C. Acta Neuropathologica Communications. 2022 Jun 20;10(1):88. doi: 10.1186/s40478-022-01392-x. PMID: 35725578
Matched paired primary and recurrent meningiomas points to cell-death program contributions to genomic and epigenomic instability along tumor progression. San-Miguel T, Megias J, Monleon D, Navarro L, Munoz-Hidalgo L, Montoliu C, Meri M, Roldan P, Cerda-Nicolas M, Lopez-Gines C. Cancers. 2022 Aug 19;14(16):4008. doi: 10.3390/cancers14164008. PMID: 36011000
Metabolic syndrome is associated with poor response to rifaximin in minimal hepatic encephalopathy. Ballester M, Gallego J, Fiorillo A, Casanova-Ferrer F, Gimenez-Garzo C, Escudero-Garcia D, Tosca J, Rios M, Monton C, Durban L, Ballester J, Benlloch S, Urios A, San-Miguel T, Kosenko E, Serra M, Felipo V, Montoliu C. Scientific Reports. 2022 Feb 14;12(1):2463. doi: 10.1038/s41598-022-06416-z. PMID: 35165326
Plasma extracellular vesicles play a role in immune system modulation in minimal hepatic encephalopathy. Gallego J, Fiorillo A, Casanova-Ferrer F, Urios A, Ballester M, Durban L, Megias J, Rubio T, Cabrera-Pastor A, Escudero-Garcia D, Felipo V, Montoliu C. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2022 Oct 15;23(20):12335. doi: 10.3390/ijms232012335. PMID: 36293192
Title: Astrofísica computacional y análisis de datos
Funding body: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación
Principal Investigator: Pablo Cerdá Durán
Duration: 2022 – 2025
Total budget: 207.000 €
Title: LIGAM1: Efecto de la activación de TLR por medio de sus ligandos sobre la polarización de macrófagos hacia M1 y su función citocida frente a las células madre de glioblastoma
Funding body: Universidad de Valencia – INCLIVA
Principal Investigator: Javier Megías Vericat, Andrea Cabrera Pastor
Duration: 2021 – 2022
Total budget: 4.608 €
Title: Estudio de la angiogénesis en el glioblastoma y su asociación con inflamación y agresividad en tumores humanos y en cultivo in vitro. Introducción a la patología
Funding body: Conselleria de Innovación, Universidades, Ciencia y Sociedad Digital
Principal Investigator: Teresa San Miguel Díez
Duration: 2020 – 2021
Total budget: 12.420 €
+ Info
Doctoral candidate: Fiorillo, Alesandra
Director(s): Montoliu Felix, Carmina; San Miguel Díaz, Teresa
Date of the defense: 01/11/2023
University: University de Valencia
Title: Caracterización de las alteraciones en el inmunofenotipo asociadas a la aparición de la encefalopatía hepática mínima en pacientes cirróticos. Implicación de las vesículas extracelulares
Doctoral candidate: Gallego Roig, Juan José
Director(s): Montoliu Felix, Carmina; Megías Vericat, Javier
Date of the defense: 01/11/2023
University: University de Valencia
Title: Role of hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells in training immunity against infection
Doctoral candidate: Bono Tapp, Cristina
Director(s): Gil Herrero, María Luisa; Yáñez Boyer, Alberto; Megías Vericat, Javier
Date of the defense: 10/02/2023
University: Universitat de València
Title: Dynamics of boson stars and fermion-boson stars: a numerical-relativity panorama
Doctoral candidate: Di Giovanni, Fabrizio
Director(s): Cerdá Durán, Pablo; Sanchis Gual, Nicolás; Font Rosa, José Antonio
Date of the defense: 12/01/2023
University: University de Valencia
Title: Patrones de amplificación de egfr en el glioblastoma, e identificación de biomarcadores implicados en sus principales vías de señalización
Doctoral candidate: Navarro Cerveró, Lara
Director(s): Cerdá Nicolás, Miguel; López Giner, Concepción
Date of the defense: 28/10/2022
University: Universitat de València
Title: Biocompatibilidad y bioactividad de nuevos materiales para odontologia regenerativa
Doctoral candidate: Rodríguez Lozano, Francisco Javier
Director(s): Forner Lozano, Leopoldo; Llena Puy, María del Carmen; López Gines, Concepción
Date of the defense: 03/12/2021
University: Universitat de València
Title: Dynamics in the magnetospheres of compact objects
Doctoral candidate: Mahlmann, Jens Florian
Director(s): Aloy Toras, Miguel Ángel; Cerdá Durán, Pablo
Date of the defense: 22/07/2020
University: Universitat de València